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Tips and advice from podiatrists

Image de :Basketball on the knees : preventing injuries

Basketball on the knees : preventing injuries

26 March 2023

Basketball is a very physically demanding sport that boosts leg muscle mass. It is beneficial to your health, but it must be done correctly, or it could cause complications. This practice places a lot of strain on the joints. In particular, the infamous "dunks" put the legs and knees to the test. To play basketball…

Image de :Remedies for swollen feet

Remedies for swollen feet

19 March 2023

Swollen feet are a common and usually harmless occurrence. Common reasons for swollen feet include certain medications, health issues, heat, and prolonged standing. However, there may be other factors for swollen feet. What causes swollen feet? Whether or not swollen feet are visible to the naked eye, they are typically noticed due to their discomfort.…

Image de :Humidity’s impact on the feet

Humidity’s impact on the feet

12 March 2023

Everyone has sweaty feet at some point in life, whether due to perspiration in hot weather, during physical activity, following a shower if they are not dried thoroughly, etc. The effects of wetness on this area of the body can cause some rather uncomfortable issues, although it can initially seem harmless. Below, we will go…

Image de :Causes of a foot cramp

Causes of a foot cramp

5 March 2023

A cramp is an unexpected, sudden muscle contraction caused by the nerves' action. Foot cramps can sometimes linger for a very long time and be very painful, as they are frequently associated with pathologies. Cramping can have a variety of causes, and some demographic groups are more susceptible than others. Causes of foot cramps: the…

Image de :Choosing the right shoes for mountain biking

Choosing the right shoes for mountain biking

26 February 2023

For thrill-seekers, mountain biking is a hugely popular sport. It is practiced off-road or on various nature trails (gravel, rock, forest, etc.). Several varieties include track, cross-country, enduro, and downhill bikes. The selection will primarily be influenced by the terrain and desired performance. Regardless of your decision, it is critical to pick the right sturdy…

Image de :Volleyball and knee pain

Volleyball and knee pain

19 February 2023

Volleyball is a well-liked beach sport and team sport that both seasoned athletes and beginners enjoy. It is a great activity for boosting cardio and coordination. It is also an activity that puts a strain on the players' joints. Due to frequent impacts, sometimes erratic motions, and multiple falls, the knees are among the body…

Image de :Tips for playing soccer without injuring your feet

Tips for playing soccer without injuring your feet

12 February 2023

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and literally enlivens the crowds since it is accessible to all, simple to comprehend, and easy to play. It can, however, also be the source of some problems, especially at the level of the lower limbs, despite being beneficial for the body and the spirit. In…

Image de :The effects of swimming on knee health

The effects of swimming on knee health

5 February 2023

Swimming is popular because it keeps you healthy and refreshed, especially in the summer. This sport has numerous advantages, including being easy on the muscles and joints, good for the back, and for the cardiovascular system. However, if the practice is too rigorous or the movements are improperly executed, it might, like other physical activity,…

Image de :How to treat cramps under the foot

How to treat cramps under the foot

29 January 2023

Do you occasionally experience the stinging sensation under your foot or the feeling of being tightly constrained or twisted without knowing what to do? Everyone occasionally has mild foot cramps. To prevent it from occurring too frequently and ensure that it is not concealing a serious health issue. In this article, we will describe what…

Image de :Choosing your cleats

Choosing your cleats

22 January 2023

Cleats are frequently utilized in sports, including baseball, rugby, and soccer, because they improve a player's footing. Each model is optimized for a different surface, so picking the right pair is crucial for getting the most out of them. The development of cleated shoes Simple shoes with a leather sole and studded cleats to help…

Image de :Diabetic foot: should we wear adaptive shoes?

Diabetic foot: should we wear adaptive shoes?

15 January 2023

This condition affects people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and is caused by peripheral neuropathy, which is a loss of sensitivity in the feet when the nerves are affected. This may result in the plantar tissue being destroyed or developing ulcers. This is known as diabetic foot. In order to prevent significant issues…

Image de :Freiberg’s disease: should you wear foot orthoses?

Freiberg’s disease: should you wear foot orthoses?

8 January 2023

Freiberg's disease is characterized by bone tissue deterioration at the top of one or more metatarsals of the foot. It primarily affects teenagers, especially young females, and needs to be treated as soon as possible to be cured and prevent severe repercussions in adulthood. Wearing foot orthoses is recommended above other potential treatments for Freiberg's…

Image de :Freiberg’s disease : symptoms and treatments

Freiberg’s disease : symptoms and treatments

1 January 2023

Most often affecting teenagers throughout their growing phase, Freiberg's disease is distinguished by the necrosis of bone tissue in one or more metatarsals of the foot. In order to effectively treat this painful plantar pathology, it must be identified and treated as soon as possible. Let us examine Freiberg's disease, its symptoms, and possible treatments…

Image de :Toe fracture : 4 myths

Toe fracture : 4 myths

25 December 2022

A toe fracture occurs when the bone is broken or cracked. Given that the hallux (big toe) is the strongest and most frequently utilized of the five toes, an injury to it is likely to be more severe than, say, a little toe fracture. Even more so, it is crucial to the stability and mobility…

Image de :Why do you wake up with foot pain?

Why do you wake up with foot pain?

18 December 2022

Do you sometimes wake up with foot discomfort for no apparent reason? This issue affects a lot of people. However, figuring out the cause of this problem and where it came from is not always straightforward. In this article, we offer some theories as to the possible origins of the infamous and unpleasant morning foot…

Image de :Prevent cysts under the foot

Prevent cysts under the foot

11 December 2022

A cyst is a cavity containing a clear, viscous fluid that forms on tissues or organs. Under the foot, synovial cysts and epidermoid cysts are the two main types of cysts. The first one, which is more common, is in the joints. It is often benign and self-limiting, but if there is any pain or…

Image de :What is arthritis? Symptoms and preventing or easing the pain

What is arthritis? Symptoms and preventing or easing the pain

4 December 2022

Contrary to popular belief, arthritis does not just affect older people. What is arthritis, then? Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and spondyloarthritis are the three most prevalent inflammatory diseases of the joints that are referred to as "arthritis." Any joint in the body can develop arthritis, and this illness can express itself in a variety of…

Image de :Detecting Morton’s neuroma

Detecting Morton’s neuroma

27 November 2022

A Morton's neuroma is an inflammation that thickens the nerve tissue between the toes of the foot as a result of compression or persistent friction. The discomfort will then manifest as a ball and may include burning, brief shocks, or numbness in the forefoot. A podiatrist should find Morton's neuroma as soon as possible so…

Image de :Why is a biomechanical examination important?

Why is a biomechanical examination important?

20 November 2022

The biomechanical examination is a comprehensive evaluation of the condition of the foot and lower limbs that considers both the muscular and skeletal components. Both the examination of the foot with and without stress and the study of the foot in motion are included. Numerous pathologies, including misalignments and deformities, can be found with a…

Image de :4 ways to prevent foot fatigue

4 ways to prevent foot fatigue

13 November 2022

Foot fatigue is a very common ailment that is characterized by the overuse of the muscles and joints in this part of the body. Sometimes though it might seem insignificant, those who experience it often suffer serious pain and even actual injury. Here are four quick and easy ways to prevent foot fatigue. Prevent foot…

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