When they persist, foot pains can seriously impact our daily lives. Fortunately, therapeutic laser is a non-invasive solution for treating joint, muscle, and ligament pains. It involves a light beam applied to the patient’s skin by the podiatrist, which aids in the healing of inflamed tissues. Let’s explore the benefits of this method for relieving foot osteoarthritis, Achilles tendonitis, and Morton’s neuroma.
Therapeutic Laser: A Treatment for Toe Osteoarthritis
When osteoarthritis affects the foot, it’s common for the big toe to be the first victim. Untreated hallux limitus, which degenerates into hallux rigidus, is often the initial symptom. The toe becomes stiffer, difficult to bend, and may even become deformed (big toe bunion). Painful and challenging for daily life, foot osteoarthritis complicates footwear and walking.
To prevent the worsening of symptoms, start by consulting a podiatrist to establish a diagnosis. If you are a suitable candidate for therapeutic laser treatment, the podiatrist then applies the treatment to the target area. The laser is not painful and only takes a few minutes. Its major advantage? In most cases, it provides immediate relief by reducing inflammation. Moreover, laser treatment for osteoarthritis, when performed at an early stage, can help regain some flexibility in the joint.
Therapeutic Laser: A Solution for Treating Achilles Tendonitis
La tendinite du tendon d’Achille, ou plus grand ennemi des coureurs, est une condition qui risque fort de dégénérer et de devenir chronique si on lui laisse l’occasion de s’installer. Quand on sait que c’est le tendon le plus puissant du corps humain et qu’il est utile pour marcher et courir, mieux vaut ne pas en arriver là. La tendinite au tendon d’Achille se manifeste intensément au réveil et la douleur diminue pendant l’activité. Elle peut irradier jusqu’au talon et rendre les mouvements plus raides. L’arrière de la cheville peut aussi être gonflé et sensible au toucher.
Là encore, le laser thérapeutique peut être d’un grand recours. Ce procédé améliore la circulation sanguine et active les mécanismes de guérison des tissus, ce qui accélère la réparation du tendon. C’est une technique qui permet aussi de diminuer les douleurs de l’inflammation. Pendant le traitement, il est à noter qu’un temps de repos sera nécessaire pour favoriser la régénération du tendon.
Therapeutic Laser: A Treatment for Morton’s Neuroma
Are you inexplicably burdened by a persistent sensation of a stone in your shoe, ill-fitting sock, or discomfort between your toes? It’s likely that you’re suffering from Morton’s neuroma. This is a condition where a nerve in the foot is compressed by the bones, causing it to thicken and become inflamed. It can even cause sensations of electric shock in the toes, cramps, or tingling. Over time, Morton’s neuroma becomes problematic for wearing shoes, walking, or simply putting pressure on the front of the foot.
To regain a good quality of life and alleviate inflammation, the podiatrist can configure the laser beam to reach the desired depth. The result is reduced pain and a nerve that gradually returns to its original shape. This therapy is even more effective when combined with custom orthotics. These devices relieve pressure points on the foot, helping to rebalance its structure.
Learn more about the benefits of therapeutic laser.
To benefit from effective therapeutic laser treatment, it’s essential to consult at the first signs of symptoms. It’s also a good way to avoid surgical intervention. Check the list of clinics near you to make an appointment.