Foot surgery becomes necessary in podiatry when treating foot pathologies that cause significant pain or deformities. The primary goal of surgery is to restore your quality of life and allow you to resume your activities without foot pain.
There are several conditions that can lead to podiatric surgery. Let’s take a look at the main pathologies that podiatrists have to treat on a daily basis.
Ingrown toenail surgery
Ingrown toenail surgery is recommended when home or basic podiatry treatments are not effective enough to relieve this foot pain. An ingrown toenail (or onychocryptosis) occurs when your toenail penetrates the skin. Your toe can then experience a number of discomforts, such as inflammation and irritation.
Although several conservative treatments can be used to treat ingrown toenails, ingrown toenail surgery is a solution often suggested. It is virtually painless and is performed under local anaesthesia of the toe. Simple and aesthetic, ingrown toenail surgery leaves no marks or residual effects. The podiatrist’s precision work allows the nail to be removed successfully from its problematic position.
Plantar wart surgery
If conventional treatments fail to completely get rid of plantar warts, plantar wart surgery becomes an interesting option. The surgery is minor and is performed very quickly. Performed under local anaesthesia, this surgery will permanently remove the wart. It can also be performed by laser.
Plantar wart surgery is not only a cosmetic operation. It can also be performed when the growth of the skin becomes painful, such as when walking. In addition, although benign, this foot-related virus is contagious.
Cyst surgery
Cyst surgery is particularly recommended for treating superficial cysts of the foot that are painful or that will not heal on their own. A cyst is a tumour, usually benign, that forms on soft tissue and typically contains a liquid substance.
Even if the cyst is painless, it is important to consult a podiatrist to have your foot examined. The cyst may cause discomfort when walking or a sensation of swelling. Cyst surgery is therefore important in cases where the cyst presents a problem in everyday life. Some superficial cysts can be operated on quickly, under local anaesthesia and directly in the clinic.
Bunion surgery (hallux valgus)
Bunion surgery is necessary when this bone deformity becomes excessively exacerbated. In order to determine if foot surgery should be performed, the podiatrist will evaluate your functional limitations as well as your joint’s available movement.
The deformity caused by the bunion can become so severe that it handicaps you on a daily basis. In particular, you may have difficulty putting on shoes or walking. Although insoles or foot orthotics can brake, slow down or relieve hallux valgus, foot surgery becomes the solution when conservative treatments fail to provide relief. The surgery returns your foot to an optimal position and the deviation of the toe is corrected.
Morton’s neuroma surgery
Morton’s Neuroma surgery is a personalized treatment that the podiatrist provides when this pathology becomes too painful. Morton’s Neuroma is invisible and occurs when the nerve between two metatarsal heads (toes) thickens.
This condition of the forefoot can cause a lot of pain, which can sometimes be very acute and similar to electric shocks. When conservative treatments have not succeeded in getting rid of your neuroma, foot surgery may become essential. The success rate for this type of surgery is very high. The operation is performed under local anaesthesia, by means of a small incision in the area of the neuroma.
Hammer toe surgery
Hammer toe surgery is performed when the toe deformity becomes too severe. This is because the toe (often the second toe) bends down, making it stand out very sharply. Walking or wearing shoes can thus become very painful.
Hammer toe is often a consequence of hallux valgus and can lead to dislocation after a while. It can also cause discomfort under the foot. This deformity can be corrected by surgery. It is complete, effective and restores your quality of life. Before the operation, the podiatrist will perform a bone assessment using X-rays to determine the best possible treatment plan.
PiedRéseau, a network of professional podiatrists for your foot surgery
PiedRéseau regroups some forty podiatric clinics across the province of Quebec. The network’s podiatrists are all duly trained to perform a proper surgical evaluation of the foot in order to meet your needs.
Take advantage of the expertise of a network of professionals near you to alleviate your foot pain once and for all!