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Can a podiatrist help you with diabetic foot care?

Updated on 15 March 2024

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Diabetic foot, as the name implies, is a condition caused by type 1 or type 2 diabetes that causes ulceration or even destruction of the foot tissue. Reduced feeling, varied aches, deformations, and more or less serious infections are all possible outcomes.

As a result, it is essential to look after your diabetic foot by seeing the podiatrist on a regular basis so that he or she may evaluate it and administer the necessary treatment.

What role does a podiatrist play in diabetic foot care?

The foot is a part of the body that can be affected by a variety of issues in patients with diabetes (discomfort, pain, infection, deformation, ulceration, amputation, etc.).

The podiatrist is crucial in this situation, and their function is both preventative and curative, meaning they will monitor the status and treat your diabetic foot if necessary. He or she will examine it under a magnifying lens at each appointment and take as much care of it as possible to avoid any complications. He or she is also available to offer ideas and treatments to alleviate any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing.

A diabetic may need to see a podiatrist on a frequent basis, depending on their circumstances.

Typical podiatric visits for diabetic foot care

It is advised that patients with diabetes see a podiatrist at least once a year. The precise frequency varies based on the patient’s condition and their feet, particularly the danger of foot ulcers. The consultation might take place once a year, every six months, every three months, or once a month in the most high-risk situations.

Various tests will be performed at these sessions, including vascular (foot pulse and circulation), neurological (touch sensation), and dermatological (skin inspection), all while confirming that there are no symptoms of infection. Following these thorough examinations, the podiatrist or nurse will do foot care, which includes corn and callus removal as well as a nail treatment.
Finally, the podiatrist may recommend a range of treatments, such as custom-made foot orthotics, to reduce foot discomfort and equalize pressure spots in your diabetic foot.

Getting ready for a consultation about diabetic foot care

Taking care of your diabetic foot entails a variety of little actions and reflexes that you should incorporate into your daily routine while also maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The most important thing is to look after your feet properly. Remember to clean them well, dry them thoroughly after a shower, and examine them carefully every day, for example. Choose shoes that are both comfy and flexible (especially not high heels or tight-fitting models). Remember to trim your nails on a regular basis (not too short) and keep your feet as dry as possible by avoiding wet settings.

If you are looking for natural ways to treat your diabetic foot, you should know that walking is an excellent exercise that not only strengthens muscles but also gently stimulates blood circulation. If your skin is really dry and damaged, products containing vitamin E are helpful for cell regeneration. Do not be afraid to get guidance from your podiatrist on which products are best for you.

The podiatrist is an important ally in diabetic foot care

Your everyday efforts to adopt the appropriate habits, as well as regular appointments to the podiatrist, go into caring for your diabetic foot. The podiatrist is capable of accurately assessing your situation, and treating you in a tailored manner to achieve the best results and avoid difficulties.

As you can see, diabetic feet are not an issue to be treated lightly, and they require constant expert attention. If you have this problem, make an appointment at one of the FootNetwork clinics right away.

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