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How do you choose the right running shoe?

Updated on 24 May 2024

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A good quality running shoe, one that absorbs impact and protects the feet comfortably: that’s very important for runners.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, it is essential to take the time to shop to find the right running shoes. Choosing the right model of sports shoe is the key to avoiding injuries.

Here are a few tips to consider to help you make the right choice.

Running shoe size

Take care not to choose a model of sports shoe that is too tight for your foot.

Do not select a shoe that is too large either, otherwise you will get blisters when running.

Remember that while running, your foot swells and tends to grow several millimetres. If your foot touches the tip of the shoe, you may damage your toenails.

So make sure you select the right size: not too big or too narrow.

Weight VERSUS the style of running shoe

Based on a given weight, it is important to choose different models of shoes. In fact, the shock that your foot endures while running varies depending on your weight. Therefore, the shoe must be able to absorb the impact created.

If you weigh more than 175 pounds, it is recommended to choose a shoe with more cushioning in the heel and forefoot. Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is a good indicator of the model to choose. In some cases, if a runner is too obese, it is sometimes recommended to select another option other than running to begin getting back into shape.

Don’t hesitate to ask a podiatrist for advice on which type of model is best for you.

Choose running shoes (and nothing else)

The best protective shoe for runners is always a running shoe.

To avoid injuries, it is important to choose shoes designed specifically for running and not for multiple other activities. Thus, multisport shoes are not recommended for runners. They do not have as good impact resistance as a shoe designed exclusively for running.  

Opt for foot comfort

A good protective shoe for running must also be comfortable for your feet.

Forget about the brand or style of the shoe. The most essential criterion must your feet’s comfort. This will ensure you feel comfortable, minimize the risk of injury and develop proper running habits.

A quick tip: try the shoes on with a pair of socks that you normally use when running. If you are comfortable, you probably have selected a good shoe model for running.

Your podiatrist can help you choose the right running shoe

Get the best advice when choosing your running shoes. Regardless of your level of health or running experience, your podiatrist is the ideal expert to provide proper advice when shopping for shoes.

Do you want to avoid injuries when running? Consult a PiedRéseau clinic to make the right choice for your running shoes!

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