Practical advice Orthopedy

Freiberg’s disease

Freiberg’s disease

1 January 2023

Most often affecting teenagers throughout their growing phase, Freiberg's disease is distinguished by the necrosis of bone tissue in one or more metatarsals of the foot. In order to effectively treat this painful plantar pathology, it must be identified and treated as soon as possible. Let us examine Freiberg's disease, its symptoms, and possible treatments…

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4 misconceptions about toe fracture

4 misconceptions about toe fracture

25 December 2022

A toe fracture occurs when the bone is broken or cracked. Given that the hallux (big toe) is the strongest and most frequently utilized of the five toes, an injury to it is likely to be more severe than, say, a little toe fracture. Even more so, it is crucial to the stability and mobility…

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Why do you wake up with foot pain?

Why do you wake up with foot pain?

18 December 2022

Do you sometimes wake up with foot discomfort for no apparent reason? This issue affects a lot of people. However, figuring out the cause of this problem and where it came from is not always straightforward. In this article, we offer some theories as to the possible origins of the infamous and unpleasant morning foot…

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What is arthritis?

What is arthritis?

4 December 2022

Contrary to popular belief, arthritis does not just affect older people. What is arthritis, then? Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and spondyloarthritis are the three most prevalent inflammatory diseases of the joints that are referred to as "arthritis." Any joint in the body can develop arthritis, and this illness can express itself in a variety of…

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Why is a biomechanical examination important?

Why is a biomechanical examination important?

20 November 2022

The biomechanical examination is a comprehensive evaluation of the condition of the foot and lower limbs that considers both the muscular and skeletal components. Both the examination of the foot with and without stress and the study of the foot in motion are included. Numerous pathologies, including misalignments and deformities, can be found with a…

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The eight most common reasons for foot pain

The eight most common reasons for foot pain

2 October 2022

Although foot pain is widespread and generally harmless (new shoes, intense sports activity, shock, etc. ), it is essential to determine the specific cause in order to treat it as quickly as possible. This will keep minor aches and pains from becoming more significant issues. In this post, you will learn about the most common…

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Podiatric surgeries to help you get back on your feet quickly

Podiatric surgeries to help you get back on your feet quickly

21 August 2022

Previously used mainly to treat health issues that could not be treated with non-invasive methods, surgery is today used in a variety of settings and can even be used for purely cosmetic reasons. With the advancements in science, an increasing number of healthcare providers are able to perform small surgeries to provide more comfort to…

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How well do you know your child’s foot?

How well do you know your child’s foot?

24 July 2022

Is your child's foot appearing to be deformed? Are they on tiptoes or heels when walking? For young children and their parents, taking their first steps and learning to walk are significant milestones. If you detect something unusual, do not worry or panic; instead, address the issue as soon as possible. Identifying problems in your…

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Podiatry and children

Podiatry and children

17 July 2022

When a family grows, one of the priorities for young parents is scheduling medical appointments for developmental checks on the newborn. However, arranging a podiatric consultation for the child is a rarer occurrence, even though walking is an important step in a baby's growth, and their little feet require just as much care as the…

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Getting ready for your first podiatrist appointment

Getting ready for your first podiatrist appointment

10 July 2022

When you arrive at a vehicle maintenance appointment prepared, you will always get the most out of it. For instance, if there's an odd noise coming from your car and you come in when it is happening, the mechanic will know what to do; just tell them when it happened and where it appears to…

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