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Tips and advice from podiatrists Pain

Image de :Why Do Your Feet Hurt? Common Causes

Why Do Your Feet Hurt? Common Causes

11 March 2025

Foot pain is a common problem that affects many people. It can have multiple causes, ranging from daily wear and tear to specific medical conditions. Understanding these causes is essential to prevent and effectively treat foot pain. Here’s an overview of the most common causes of foot pain.

Image de :Seven Ways to Relieve Foot Pain

Seven Ways to Relieve Foot Pain

30 January 2025

The highly intricate structures in our feet enable us to move, support our weight, and cushion impacts. That’s a lot of stress for them to handle! Your feet need the right care and attention to be pain-free and functional. These seven useful suggestions will help you move more comfortably and reduce foot pain. Choose the…

Image de :Cortisone Injections: Four Conditions They Can Treat

Cortisone Injections: Four Conditions They Can Treat

30 January 2025

Cortisone injections might be an option if conventional podiatric therapies are ineffective for chronic foot discomfort. In regions like joints, bursae, nerves, or tendons, this treatment works very well to reduce inflammation. Let's examine this process's operation and the particular ailments it can treat What to Know About Cortisone Injections in Podiatry In podiatry, cortisone…

Image de :What shoes to choose when suffering from osteoporosis?

What shoes to choose when suffering from osteoporosis?

19 November 2023

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens the bones and exposes the patient to an increased risk of fractures. To prevent falls and injuries, it is important to choose shoes that stabilize the feet. Let's explore together the types of shoes that are recommended when suffering from osteoporosis. The features of a shoe suitable for osteoporosis…

Image de :How to Avoid Foot Injuries in Combat Sports?

How to Avoid Foot Injuries in Combat Sports?

5 November 2023

The feet of athletes who engage in combat sports are subjected to significant strain, whether it's for balance, agility, or generating impact. In this context, it becomes clear why preparing them for exertion is essential. But where should one start to prevent injuries? Here are our tips for avoiding foot injuries during your combat sports…

Image de :Foot pains treated by therapeutic laser

Foot pains treated by therapeutic laser

22 October 2023

When they persist, foot pains can seriously impact our daily lives. Fortunately, therapeutic laser is a non-invasive solution for treating joint, muscle, and ligament pains. It involves a light beam applied to the patient's skin by the podiatrist, which aids in the healing of inflamed tissues. Let's explore the benefits of this method for relieving…

Image de :Causes of pain on top of the foot

Causes of pain on top of the foot

4 June 2023

The most frequently painful areas on the feet are the heels, toes, and soles. Because top-of-foot pain is less common, it can be challenging to figure out what to do about it. This type of pain can be caused by several factors. Here's how to recognize the causes so you can effectively manage them. Symptoms…

Image de :How to treat a jellyfish sting to the foot?

How to treat a jellyfish sting to the foot?

14 May 2023

Although it may seem surprising, jellyfish are growing more widespread, even in lakes and rivers (known as freshwater jellyfish). Therefore, it is crucial to understand what to do if a jellyfish stings your foot. Learn the symptoms of this injury and how to treat it in the article below. Symptoms of a jellyfish sting on…

Image de :Causes of a foot cramp

Causes of a foot cramp

5 March 2023

A cramp is an unexpected, sudden muscle contraction caused by the nerves' action. Foot cramps can sometimes linger for a very long time and be very painful, as they are frequently associated with pathologies. Cramping can have a variety of causes, and some demographic groups are more susceptible than others. Causes of foot cramps: the…

Image de :How to treat cramps under the foot

How to treat cramps under the foot

29 January 2023

Do you occasionally experience the stinging sensation under your foot or the feeling of being tightly constrained or twisted without knowing what to do? Everyone occasionally has mild foot cramps. To prevent it from occurring too frequently and ensure that it is not concealing a serious health issue. In this article, we will describe what…

Image de :Toe fracture : 4 myths

Toe fracture : 4 myths

25 December 2022

A toe fracture occurs when the bone is broken or cracked. Given that the hallux (big toe) is the strongest and most frequently utilized of the five toes, an injury to it is likely to be more severe than, say, a little toe fracture. Even more so, it is crucial to the stability and mobility…

Image de :Why do you wake up with foot pain?

Why do you wake up with foot pain?

18 December 2022

Do you sometimes wake up with foot discomfort for no apparent reason? This issue affects a lot of people. However, figuring out the cause of this problem and where it came from is not always straightforward. In this article, we offer some theories as to the possible origins of the infamous and unpleasant morning foot…

Image de :What is arthritis? Symptoms and preventing or easing the pain

What is arthritis? Symptoms and preventing or easing the pain

4 December 2022

Contrary to popular belief, arthritis does not just affect older people. What is arthritis, then? Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and spondyloarthritis are the three most prevalent inflammatory diseases of the joints that are referred to as "arthritis." Any joint in the body can develop arthritis, and this illness can express itself in a variety of…

Image de :Detecting Morton’s neuroma

Detecting Morton’s neuroma

27 November 2022

A Morton's neuroma is an inflammation that thickens the nerve tissue between the toes of the foot as a result of compression or persistent friction. The discomfort will then manifest as a ball and may include burning, brief shocks, or numbness in the forefoot. A podiatrist should find Morton's neuroma as soon as possible so…

Image de :Can a podiatrist help you with diabetic foot care?

Can a podiatrist help you with diabetic foot care?

6 November 2022

Diabetic foot, as the name implies, is a condition caused by type 1 or type 2 diabetes that causes ulceration or even destruction of the foot tissue. Reduced feeling, varied aches, deformations, and more or less serious infections are all possible outcomes. As a result, it is essential to look after your diabetic foot by…

Image de :Foot massage to prevent, heal, relieve or avoid?

Foot massage to prevent, heal, relieve or avoid?

16 October 2022

Foot massage is a popular and sought-after service with several health advantages. It can be used to relax, but it can also be used to prevent, treat, and even cure pain and other illnesses. Foot reflexology, in particular, is becoming increasingly popular. Be aware that foot massage can sometimes cause more harm than good. We…

Image de :Foot pain : 8 most common causes

Foot pain : 8 most common causes

2 October 2022

Although foot pain is widespread and generally harmless (new shoes, intense sports activity, shock, etc. ), it is essential to determine the specific cause in order to treat it as quickly as possible. This will keep minor aches and pains from becoming more significant issues. In this post, you will learn about the 8 most…

Image de :Can a foot massage aggravate a podiatric issue?

Can a foot massage aggravate a podiatric issue?

18 September 2022

A foot massage may appear to be harmless at first look. This form of treatment, however, is not appropriate for everyone. A massage can be risky if the person getting it has certain disorders, chronic pain, or specific podiatric conditions, despite its image of well-being and relaxation. Here we explain why a foot massage can…

Image de :Podiatric surgeries : get back on your feet quickly

Podiatric surgeries : get back on your feet quickly

21 August 2022

Previously used mainly to treat health issues that could not be treated with non-invasive methods, surgery is today used in a variety of settings and can even be used for purely cosmetic reasons. With the advancements in science, an increasing number of healthcare providers are able to perform small surgeries to provide more comfort to…

Image de :Are podiatric emergencies a thing?

Are podiatric emergencies a thing?

31 July 2022

Medicine is a vast field filled with sometimes extreme events that might jeopardize a patient's health or even life. These are classified as emergencies, and they must be addressed as quickly as possible to avoid further aggravation of severe consequences (accidents, burns, hemorrhages, traumas, etc.). Emergency podiatric care entails the immediate treatment of a significant…

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