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Tips and advice from podiatrists Pain

Image de :Flat feet: tips to exercise without pain

Flat feet: tips to exercise without pain

26 February 2021

Do you regularly do a sport like running, walking, or skiing? Then you probably know that a great deal of your performance directly depends on your feet. However, your feet may have special conditions that make it difficult to perform your athletic activities. Such is the case of flat feet. This downward sagging of the…

Image de :Flat feet: pains and treatments

Flat feet: pains and treatments

26 February 2021

The feet are rarely perceived to be the cause of joint pain. However, even a minor plantar deformity can affect your posture and undermine your daily comfort. Flat feet are one of the foot deformities that can cause lasting problems later in life. When pain claims your joints and you begin experiencing a lack of…

Image de :Cavus foot: tips to continue playing sports without pain

Cavus foot: tips to continue playing sports without pain

26 February 2021

Whether you’re a runner, skier, or avid walker, healthy feet are instrumental to ensuring the best athletic performance. But when you’re dealing with a deformity like the cavus foot, it affects the entirety of your body. Cavus foot is characterized by a rigid and very pronounced arch. However, even if it changes your foot’s grip…

Image de :The 4 bad habits that can ruin your feet

The 4 bad habits that can ruin your feet

20 February 2021

Taking care of your feet is primarily a matter of habit. However, when it comes to foot care, many of us have developed bad habits over the years. These damaging habits can often result in several limitations that hinder our daily lives, such as: Foot pain (Achilles tendonitis, heel spur, plantar fasciitis, bunions, Morton's neuroma,…

Image de :The 4 best natural treatments for heel spur

The 4 best natural treatments for heel spur

20 February 2021

The heel spur, also called the calcaneal spur, usually manifests by affecting your plantar fascia. This bony outgrowth from the heel bone is normally painless. However, if you play a sport that is heavy on your feet, such as running, your fascia will experience increased tension and can thus result in pain. Learn the 4…

Image de :7 myths about treating your Achilles tendinitis

7 myths about treating your Achilles tendinitis

20 February 2021

Have you been suffering from pain in the back of your ankle for a while now, preventing you from living your life normally? It could be Achilles tendinitis. Achilles tendinitis is a real sore for those who lead an active lifestyle, and it can be quite difficult to treat. To help you better understand the…

Image de :4 home remedies for gout in the foot

4 home remedies for gout in the foot

10 February 2021

Gout is a form of arthritis that is particularly sensitive to metabolic changes. It can prove difficult to predict when gout will strike, seeing as this inflammation of the joints comes and goes of its own accord. But do not despair! There are some easy remedies that you can use at home to mitigate the…

Image de :How do we cure chronic Achilles tendonitis?

How do we cure chronic Achilles tendonitis?

25 May 2020

For many people, running and cycling are essential activities for health and well being. However, they can also cause pain and discomfort. Achilles tendonitis is an example of such discomfort.  Do you experience tendon pain after playing sports? And does this feeling of discomfort seem to get worse after each cycling or running activity? You…

Image de :Gout: 5 signs to watch for

Gout: 5 signs to watch for

11 May 2020

Gout (also called "hyperuricemia") is a form of arthritis (an inflammatory disease), often very painful, that primarily affects men aged 50 and over. According to the Arthritis Society, gout affects approximately 5.2% of men and 2.4% of women in Canada. Western countries are the most affected.  The most common form of gout occurs in the…

Image de :Sever’s disease: a pathology in growing children

Sever’s disease: a pathology in growing children

4 May 2020

Sever's disease is a type of pain felt in the heel (calcaneus) that should be monitored in growing children, especially if they are active! Rest assured, this pathology is frequent and benign. However, it can interfere with daily activities for several months or even years.  Of course, as a parent, you will never be able…

Image de :Work standing up: how to avoid hurting your feet

Work standing up: how to avoid hurting your feet

27 April 2020

Reducing heart problems, preventing obesity, improving productivity—standing has many benefits. However, in some instances, working upright can cause stiffness or pain in the feet and legs. So, how can you reap the benefits of working on your feet without experiencing musculoskeletal pain? What follows are some helpful podiatrist tips to avoid discomfort and hurting your…

Image de :Diabetic foot: what is it, and how do we treat it?

Diabetic foot: what is it, and how do we treat it?

27 April 2020

Diabetic foot is a problematic condition that can cause sores and ulcers. This makes the feet more vulnerable, especially among the elderly. If this condition is not treated promptly and effectively, it can lead to serious infections and, in some cases, amputation.  If you are one of the 880,000 Quebecers who are diabetic, you need…

Image de :Foot surgery: when should it be performed?

Foot surgery: when should it be performed?

20 April 2020

Foot surgery becomes necessary in podiatry when treating foot pathologies that cause significant pain or deformities. The primary goal of surgery is to restore your quality of life and allow you to resume your activities without foot pain. There are several conditions that can lead to podiatric surgery. Let's take a look at the main…

Image de :3 exercises to help relieve plantar fasciitis

3 exercises to help relieve plantar fasciitis

28 February 2020

Relieving plantar fasciitis often requires discipline. Indeed, this painful inflammation, caused by a stretching or a rupture of the plantar fascia, can be cured by podiatry, but also by exercises. These exercises strengthen the plantar fascia, the membrane that supports the arch of your foot. By progressively performing exercises, you can regain your mobility and…

Image de :Plantar fasciitis and cortisone injections

Plantar fasciitis and cortisone injections

8 October 2019

Plantar fasciitis is caused by a stretching or rupture of the plantar fascia. This damage to the fibrous band that supports the plantar arch is characterized by pain in the heel and/or arch of the foot.  Fortunately, there are several non-invasive treatments available to help treat plantar fasciitis. Manual foot therapy and therapeutic bandaging performed…

Image de :5 myths about joint pain

5 myths about joint pain

4 October 2019

Joint pain in the feet is more common than you might think. However, even if the majority of the population may experience it at some point in their lives, there are many myths about joint pain. Joint pain is usually a symptom of a more serious problem. Inflammation, infection or abrasion, joint pain in the feet…

Image de :The 5 symptoms of Achilles tendinitis

The 5 symptoms of Achilles tendinitis

7 August 2019

Have you noticed a recurring pain in the back of your ankle? Do your movements seem to become gradually less fluid? It is likely that you have Achilles tendinitis. If the nature of your job requires repetitive movements or long hours on your feet, this inflammation is even more likely to be at the root…

Image de :How to relieve foot cramps?

How to relieve foot cramps?

7 August 2019

It is a well known fact that muscle cramps in the feet can be as painful as they are sudden. You might think that the only solution is to wait until they subside. However, there are several techniques that can quickly reduce discomfort and reduce the incidence of cramps. Let's see what causes muscle spasms…

Image de :Treating Achilles tendonitis in 5 steps

Treating Achilles tendonitis in 5 steps

17 July 2019

A common injury among athletes, Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel. Both painful and limiting, this tendinopathy can make you experience a living hell.  It can even lead to a complete rupture of the tendon and require surgery.  It goes without saying that prevention is…

Image de :Ankle sprains: 5 ways to avoid them

Ankle sprains: 5 ways to avoid them

6 July 2019

Ankle sprain is one of the joint pains frequently treated in podiatry. This condition occurs following a tear or stretching of the ankle ligaments. Ligaments are fibrous tissues that connect our ligaments. Ankle ligaments can be very delicate and thus vulnerable to injury. All it takes is one false movement to suffer a nasty sprain.…

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