Practical advice Dermatology

When should you consult a podiatrist?

When should you consult a podiatrist?

3 October 2021

Podiatrists specialize in foot care. Did you know, though, that podiatrists are doctors who specialize in leg, hip, and back problems as well? Because the feet are the basis of our posture, an undetected or untreated issue in the feet might have unintended consequences elsewhere in the body. Getting a rapid diagnosis and efficient treatment…

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How to prevent and treat ingrown toenails?

How to prevent and treat ingrown toenails?

12 June 2021

An ingrown toenail, also known as onychocryptosis, is a condition in which a toenail develops into the flesh and enters it. This pressure on the flesh might cause skin irritation. In podiatry, ingrown toenails are a prevalent condition. However, if the problem is not addressed, the nail may become infected and uncomfortable. To avoid severe…

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What causes plantar warts?

What causes plantar warts?

12 June 2021

Plantar warts are a type of skin infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). While some plantar warts will go away on their own, some will require treatment and a visit to a podiatrist. As a result, it is essential that you act rapidly to get rid of them.Learn about the causes, risk factors, and…

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What is the procedure for removing an ingrown toenail?

What is the procedure for removing an ingrown toenail?

31 May 2021

When a toenail is cut too short or clipped improperly, it will result in an ingrown toenail. It's also known as onychocryptosis, and it induces discomfort that can even make walking impossible. While most ingrown toenails can be treated at home, a few may cause complications. To avoid this, the podiatrist would most certainly recommend…

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Are pedicures safe? Here’s what your podiatrist has to say!

Are pedicures safe? Here’s what your podiatrist has to say!

17 April 2021

Pedicure is a cosmetic discipline that focuses on trimming and caring for the toenails, moisturizing the skin, and massaging the feet. While many people entrust their foot care to health professionals like podiatrists, pedicures remain a paramedical solution in our society.Therefore, podiatrists urge caution about pedicures and those who claim to be able to perform…

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4 prescriptions from a podiatrist that will effectively treat your foot pain

4 prescriptions from a podiatrist that will effectively treat your foot pain

17 April 2021

As of late, Quebecers now have access to new prescriptions from podiatrists in order to relieve their foot pain effectively. Podiatrists can actually prescribe almost all the medications necessary to practice podiatry. So you no longer have to check with your doctor, dermatologist, or pharmacist to benefit from custom-tailored solutions at a podiatry clinic. After…

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How does the diabetic foot result in amputation?

How does the diabetic foot result in amputation?

5 April 2021

Diabetes mellitus poses several dangers to its carrier’s health. The complications it causes often include blindness, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases. However, the plantar problems caused by diabetes can sometimes go ignored. This is quite surprising, considering that diabetic foot is responsible for 50% of non-traumatic lower-limb amputations. Let's look at what causes a person…

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What are the effects of diabetes on the feet?

What are the effects of diabetes on the feet?

26 March 2021

Diabetes affects more than 1 in 10 Quebecers, according to the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec. It is known to cause an array of problems like blindness and kidney disease, but diabetes is also responsible for half of all non-traumatic amputations. Before reaching such serious complications, however, other conditions of the soles of…

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Distinguishing and treating common and plantar warts

Distinguishing and treating common and plantar warts

6 March 2021

Both are associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV), but the common wart and plantar wart appear in different locations. The first is more likely to occur in visible places, while the second is more concealed and usually grows beneath the foot’s sole. But are there any real differences between these two types of warts aside…

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The 4 bad habits that can ruin your feet

The 4 bad habits that can ruin your feet

20 February 2021

Taking care of your feet is primarily a matter of habit. However, when it comes to foot care, many of us have developed bad habits over the years. These damaging habits can often result in several limitations that hinder our daily lives, such as: Foot pain (Achilles tendonitis, heel spur, plantar fasciitis, bunions, Morton's neuroma,…

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