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Podiatric clinics Bone surgeries

Ottawa foot clinic

Antoun Hajj, Chiropodist earned his doctorate in podiatry from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, and opened the Ottawa foot clinic in 2017, after having practised in several other clinics. He also assists with several major surgical procedures at the Clinique podiatrique de Gatineau. With a passion for chiropody, Antoun Hajj also joined the continuing…

PiedRéseau Aylmer

  After graduating in podiatry medicine from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in 2010, Dr. Stephen Davis, Podiatrist, perfected his technique at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine, and then pursued numerous specialized courses in sports medicine. He founded the 2 podiatry clinics in Gatineau to share his expertise with the entire…

PiedRéseau Hull

Opened in 2011, the Clinique podiatrique de Gatineau in the Hull sector comprises a team of experienced and devoted professionals who care for their patients. Podiatrist Antoun Hajj joined the team in 2016 to manage both of the Gatineau clinics. Today, you can count on the expertise of 4 experienced podiatrists and 4 nurses specialized…

Image de :Brossard podiatry clinic

Brossard podiatry clinic

  The residents of Brossard can count on a rigorous assessment of their feet as part of the services offered by the Brossard podiatry clinic. Located on Taschereau Boulevard, this clinic offers you its team’s mastery of podiatric surgery, particularly in the treatment of foot bunions, hammer toes, cysts or neuromas. Its staff has your…

Image de :Montreal podiatry clinic

Montreal podiatry clinic

  The Montreal podiatry clinic, also known as Podiart, is located on Boulevard Pie-IX, right next to the Botanical Garden, in the Rosemont-la-Petite-Patrie district. With unparalleled expertise in foot surgery and modern operating rooms of the highest standard, this clinic is the foremost destination for Montrealers seeking treatment for hammertoes, bunions, plantar fasciitis, and Morton’s…

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