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PiedRéseau Dorval Podiatrists and orthotics


Dr Isabelle Gauthier, Podiatrist, is a graduate in Podiatric Medecine from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. She is member of the Quebec College of Podiatrists.

During her training, she successfully completed internships in private clinics and hospitals, including the Centre hospitalier régional de Lanaudière and Centre hospitalier de Trois-Rivières in the care of diabetic wounds. She also completed an internship at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM) in different fields including surgery, medecine, pediatry and orthopedics at the Foot Clinic of New 

York and at the Metropolitan Hospital Center, both in Manhattan.

Holder of a radiology permit after her training in radiology and radioprotection during her studies, she is authorized to write radiological prescriptions and diagnostics.

She also has a license for ultrasound and has a device in the clinic, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis of several conditions.

During her studies, she voluntarily participated to the project of clinique satellite de Lauberivière in Québec City and at the accueil Bonneau in Montréal where she treated patients.  She also voluntarily participated to the Pierre Lavoie challenge where she treated the runners for sport injuries.

PiedRéseau Dorval

185 Av. Dorval, suite 501,
Dorval, QC H9S 5J9

1-514 600-3440 Toll free

Business hours

9:00 - 20:00

9:00 - 15:00

10:30 - 20:00

9:00 - 17:00

9:00 - 15:00


Dre Isabelle Gauthier podiatrist-owner


Dre Jennifer Vuong-Nguyen podiatrist


Dre Myriam Bourgault podiatrist


Marc-André St-Denis Footcare auxiliary nurse

Lori Ann Footcare auxiliary nurse


Lyne Dulude administrative assistant


Tara White administrative assistant

Brigitte P.

Josée E.

Responsible for personal information/confidentiality: Isabelle Gauthier (514) 686-4557

Ask for an appointment

Please note that if you are seeking podiatry services following a work-related accident (CNESST) or a road accident (SAAQ), please contact us before your appointment to obtain more information about the reimbursement procedures.

A member