Practical advice Orthopedy

What is the difference between a podiatrist and a podologist?

What is the difference between a podiatrist and a podologist?

10 February 2021

A podiatrist is a medical professional legally authorized to treat most foot pain and discomfort. The podologist, on the other hand, helps alleviate discomfort by providing foot care services. Keep reading to learn the 4 differences that will allow you to distinguish between a podiatrist and a podologist. A certified foot professional One of the…

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5 ways to avoid big toe pain

5 ways to avoid big toe pain

10 February 2021

The big toe, also called the hallux, is responsible for essential functions such as lifting and balance. This toe is also particularly susceptible to trauma and external stress. In this regard, sharp pain in the big toe can prove to be burdensome and even debilitating. Read on to learn 5 ways to avoid big toe…

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Baby’s feet: what are the most common foot abnormalities in babies?

Baby’s feet: what are the most common foot abnormalities in babies?

10 February 2021

While they are relatively rare, foot abnormalities can prove to be quite distressing to a newborn’s parents. Fortunately, the majority of those abnormalities are not due to disease. Despite its unusual and perhaps alarming appearance, an abnormal infant foot is actually very treatable if the issue is quickly addressed. Here are the most common foot…

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How to choose the plantar orthotics for your ice skates?

How to choose the plantar orthotics for your ice skates?

10 February 2021

If you’re an athlete that likes to be active in the wintertime, you may know that it can be challenging to implement foot orthotics into your routine. However, they can be quite beneficial, both in providing relief and increasing performance. Winter sports that make use of skates can be hard on the joints. Therefore, it…

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4 home remedies for gout in the foot

4 home remedies for gout in the foot

10 February 2021

Gout is a form of arthritis that is particularly sensitive to metabolic changes. It can prove difficult to predict when gout will strike, seeing as this inflammation of the joints comes and goes of its own accord. But do not despair! There are some easy remedies that you can use at home to mitigate the…

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Orthotics and prosthetics: what’s the difference?

Orthotics and prosthetics: what’s the difference?

1 June 2020

Orthotics and prosthetics are both designed to support you on a daily basis. However, they do not provide support in the same way.  An orthotic compensates, supports and corrects a biomechanical deficiency or a postural problem. A prosthetic, on the other hand, replaces a missing limb of your body.  In podiatry, plantar or podiatric orthotics…

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How do we cure chronic Achilles tendonitis?

How do we cure chronic Achilles tendonitis?

25 May 2020

For many people, running and cycling are essential activities for health and well being. However, they can also cause pain and discomfort. Achilles tendonitis is an example of such discomfort.  Do you experience tendon pain after playing sports? And does this feeling of discomfort seem to get worse after each cycling or running activity? You…

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Gout: 5 signs to watch for

Gout: 5 signs to watch for

11 May 2020

Gout (also called "hyperuricemia") is a form of arthritis (an inflammatory disease), often very painful, that primarily affects men aged 50 and over. According to the Arthritis Society, gout affects approximately 5.2% of men and 2.4% of women in Canada. Western countries are the most affected.  The most common form of gout occurs in the…

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Sever’s disease: a pathology that affects growing children

Sever’s disease: a pathology that affects growing children

4 May 2020

Sever's disease is a type of pain felt in the heel (calcaneus) that should be monitored in growing children, especially if they are active! Rest assured, this condition is frequent and benign. However, it can interfere with daily activities for several months or even years.  Of course, as a parent, you will never be able…

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Work standing up: how to avoid hurting your feet

Work standing up: how to avoid hurting your feet

27 April 2020

Reducing heart problems, preventing obesity, improving productivity—standing has many benefits. However, in some instances, working upright can cause stiffness or pain in the feet and legs. So, how can you reap the benefits of working on your feet without experiencing musculoskeletal pain? What follows are some helpful podiatrist tips to avoid discomfort. Understand the risks…

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