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Frequent foot problems Foot Heel

Image de :Heel bursitis : symptoms and treatments

Heel bursitis : symptoms and treatments

Heel bursitis (also known as calcaneal bursitis) is a painful disease that can make daily activities difficult. This foot condition arises when a bursa, a sac that secretes synovial fluid and serves to lubricate the joint between the bone and the tendon, becomes inflamed. Although heel bursitis is usually harmless, it is nonetheless painful and…

Image de :Achilles tendinitis : symptoms and treatments

Achilles tendinitis : symptoms and treatments

Overuse of the tendon that links the calf muscle to the heel can lead to Achilles tendinitis. As a result, Achilles tendinopathy is a frequent issue among runners. This disease causes discomfort that rises at the start of activity and diminishes afterwards. Are you an athlete who regularly gets discomfort in the rear of the…

Image de :Heel panniculitis : symptoms and treatments

Heel panniculitis : symptoms and treatments

Inflammation of the panniculus, a fatty layer under the epidermis, causes heel panniculitis, a dermatological disease. To treat both your heel and your skin, this inflammatory condition frequently necessitates the help of a podiatrist and a dermatologist. However, panniculitis can affect any fatty tissue in your body. This skin disease can be very uncomfortable and…

Image de :Flatfoot : symptoms and treatments

Flatfoot : symptoms and treatments

Is there little or no curve in your foot arch? Do you get foot or joint discomfort when you stand? Flatfoot might be to blame for these problems. Flatfoot is the collapse of the arch of the foot, as the term implies. Flatfoot is most visible when standing or walking, and it can cause serious…

Image de :Heel (calcaneus) fracture

Heel (calcaneus) fracture

The calcaneus, or heel bone, accounts for only 1 to 2 percent of all fractures. A heel fracture, unlike other common injuries, can have serious implications if left untreated. The calcaneus is the bone that forms the rear of the foot, together with the talus. These two bones sustain the body's weight when they are…

Image de :Heel cracks : symptoms and treatments

Heel cracks : symptoms and treatments

The heel is crucial for maintaining bodily equilibrium and it is exposed to extremely high pressure in order to complete this process. The skin of the heel is normally not subjected to excessive pressure when the body is correctly balanced. However, in certain situations, the skin on this region of the foot isn't properly stressed,…

Image de :Clubfoot : symptoms and treatments

Clubfoot : symptoms and treatments

Clubfoot is either a congenital malformation or a prenatal deformity that develops during the child's development. The so-called idiopathic clubfoot affects the structures of the foot directly, despite the fact that it is normally well-managed. As a result, it is likely to repeat on a regular basis. It's thus critical to keep an eye out…

Image de :Foot deformities : symptoms and treatments

Foot deformities : symptoms and treatments

Even healthy feet are susceptible to trauma and the accompanying damage. What about foot deformities, though? In fact, under the required circumstances, any foot can develop a deformity. Let's take a look at some of the disorders that might cause misshapen feet, as well as some of the treatment options available. The various foot deformities…

Image de :Foot blisters : symptoms and treatments

Foot blisters : symptoms and treatments

Blisters are a watery lesion that occurs when the skin of the foot is exposed to friction or irritating pressure. While it is common knowledge that wearing new shoes causes blisters, other factors can also influence the development of blisters. Let's learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for persistent foot blisters. Blister symptoms When…

Image de :Plantar fissures : symptoms and treatments

Plantar fissures : symptoms and treatments

Plantar fissures appear mainly on the heel and forefoot. They occur as a result of pressure on the soles of the feet.  Thus, it is not altogether wrong to associate plantar fissures with other dermatological foot problems like corns and calluses.  Nevertheless, plantar fissures can be distinguished from these dermatoses, particularly by the locations where…

Image de :Cavus foot : symptoms and treatments

Cavus foot : symptoms and treatments

Unlike the flat foot, which is intended to be supple and flattened, cavus foot is excessively arched and rigid. This foot problem is characterized by a pronounced curvature from the top of the secondary foot to the plantar arch that is very high.  It is also possible to observe a tightening between the heel and…

Image de :Heel spur (Lenoir’s thorn)

Heel spur (Lenoir’s thorn)

When you place your foot on the ground, do you feel discomfort beneath your heel? Seeing as calcification under the calcaneus is quite common, Lenoir's thorn might be the disease that affects you. The heel spur, known as Lenoir's thorn, is a bony protrusion on the inside of your heel. This anatomical structure can be…

Image de :Plantar fasciitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Plantar fasciitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition. A strain or break in the plantar fascia, the fibrous band that supports the arch of the foot, is at the root of this condition. Heel discomfort is the most prominent sign of this condition. It will be felt from the first steps in the morning or after…

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