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Frequent foot problems Pain Foot

Image de :Muscle Cramps : symptoms and treatments

Muscle Cramps : symptoms and treatments

Muscle cramps are rather common and may occur for many reasons. Sudden involuntary contractions of one or more muscles is what constitutes a cramp as we know it. While short-lived, a muscle cramp generates significant pain, especially in the area of the calf. Although the contractions in these muscles are typically benign, it isn't always…

Image de :Heel bursitis : symptoms and treatments

Heel bursitis : symptoms and treatments

Heel bursitis (also known as calcaneal bursitis) is a painful disease that can make daily activities difficult. This foot condition arises when a bursa, a sac that secretes synovial fluid and serves to lubricate the joint between the bone and the tendon, becomes inflamed. Although heel bursitis is usually harmless, it is nonetheless painful and…

Image de :Diabetic foot : symptoms and treatments

Diabetic foot : symptoms and treatments

Diabetic foot develops as a result of the neuropathy that comes with poorly managed diabetes. When blood sugar levels are excessively high for an extended length of time, it impairs a person's neurological system. The injury results in a lack of sensation in the lower limbs, among other things. Peripheral neuropathy is the medical term…

Image de :Achilles tendinitis : symptoms and treatments

Achilles tendinitis : symptoms and treatments

Overuse of the tendon that links the calf muscle to the heel can lead to Achilles tendinitis. As a result, Achilles tendinopathy is a frequent issue among runners. This disease causes discomfort that rises at the start of activity and diminishes afterwards. Are you an athlete who regularly gets discomfort in the rear of the…

Image de :Joint wear and tear : symptoms and treatments

Joint wear and tear : symptoms and treatments

Joint wear and tear is commonly associated with aging, although it can also be caused by other factors. Joint degeneration is a complex process that can be impacted by a mix of reasons. However, when it comes to joint damage, a small set of pathologies account for the vast majority of instances recorded. Let's take…

Image de :Heel panniculitis : symptoms and treatments

Heel panniculitis : symptoms and treatments

Inflammation of the panniculus, a fatty layer under the epidermis, causes heel panniculitis, a dermatological disease. To treat both your heel and your skin, this inflammatory condition frequently necessitates the help of a podiatrist and a dermatologist. However, panniculitis can affect any fatty tissue in your body. This skin disease can be very uncomfortable and…

Image de :Toenail trauma : symptoms and treatments

Toenail trauma : symptoms and treatments

Toenail trauma can result from a variety of causes, including a blow, a crush, or a foreign body. Even if toenail trauma is benign in the majority of cases, there is always the danger of lifelong abnormalities. It is advised that toenail trauma be treated as soon as possible to reduce the cosmetic hazards connected…

Image de :Flatfoot : symptoms and treatments

Flatfoot : symptoms and treatments

Is there little or no curve in your foot arch? Do you get foot or joint discomfort when you stand? Flatfoot might be to blame for these problems. Flatfoot is the collapse of the arch of the foot, as the term implies. Flatfoot is most visible when standing or walking, and it can cause serious…

Image de :Big toe osteoarthritis (Hallux rigidus)

Big toe osteoarthritis (Hallux rigidus)

Osteoarthritis of the big toe is a degenerative condition that causes joint hardening and a progressive loss of mobility, which may be quite painful. The most prevalent type of joint deterioration is osteoarthritis. The metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe is affected by hallux rigidus. If the big toe osteoarthritis is not treated, the front…

Image de :Heel (calcaneus) fracture

Heel (calcaneus) fracture

The calcaneus, or heel bone, accounts for only 1 to 2 percent of all fractures. A heel fracture, unlike other common injuries, can have serious implications if left untreated. The calcaneus is the bone that forms the rear of the foot, together with the talus. These two bones sustain the body's weight when they are…

Image de :Heel cracks : symptoms and treatments

Heel cracks : symptoms and treatments

The heel is crucial for maintaining bodily equilibrium and it is exposed to extremely high pressure in order to complete this process. The skin of the heel is normally not subjected to excessive pressure when the body is correctly balanced. However, in certain situations, the skin on this region of the foot isn't properly stressed,…

Image de :Big toe fracture : symptoms and treatments

Big toe fracture : symptoms and treatments

The hallux, commonly known as the big toe, is an important part of the lift and mobility that the foot offers to the body. The hallux, together with the heel and fifth toe of the foot, provides strong support for a person standing. When the big toe fractures, the entire stability of the posture is…

Image de :Plantar fibromatosis

Plantar fibromatosis

Plantar fibromatosis is a thickening of the aponeurosis tissue in the arch of the foot. Plantar fibromatosis often manifests as tiny lumps. Although it is typically harmless, it can cause pain when walking and can make it difficult to move. It's critical to understand the signs in order to detect it before it becomes a…

Image de :Functional hallux limitus

Functional hallux limitus

Normally, the big toe has a limited range of motion. However, a joint obstruction can occasionally induce knee discomfort, heel pain, and ankle sprains. This is known as hallux limitus. Without therapy, functional hallux limitus can progress to hallux rigidus, a potentially crippling type of big toe osteoarthritis. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments…

Image de :Hematoma under the toenail

Hematoma under the toenail

Subungual hematoma is a fairly frequent toenail injury caused by an accumulation of blood following a sudden or repeated shock. Although toenail hematomas are typically benign, they can become extremely painful and possibly indicate the existence of a more serious issue. It's critical to understand how to detect a traumatic nail condition in order to…

Image de :Sesamoiditis : symptoms and treatments

Sesamoiditis : symptoms and treatments

The inflammation of the sesamoid bones under the metatarsal head near the big toe is known as sesamoiditis. This plantar condition, which is more frequent among dancers and runners, produces discomfort and limits movement flexibility. Although sesamoiditis is relatively simple to cure on its own, it is critical to detect the warning symptoms before it…

Image de :Toenail paronychia : symptoms and treatments

Toenail paronychia : symptoms and treatments

Toenail paronychia is a bacterial infection that produces stabbing pain and pus buildup near the toenail. Acute paronychia is caused by a bacterial infection, like staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus, while chronic paronychia develops slowly as a result of the candida bacteria. In the case of acute paronychia, it should be treated by a health care…

Image de :Cuboid bone subluxation

Cuboid bone subluxation

When the foot is exposed to a succession of microtraumas or a sudden severe shock, it results in subluxation, or the cuboid syndrome. Many sportsmen and dancers suffer from cuboid subluxation because of the circumstances in which it develops. Because the symptoms of cuboid syndrome can be quite similar to those of other plantar diseases,…

Image de :The bunionette (quintus varus)

The bunionette (quintus varus)

The bunionette, also known as quintus varus or tailor's bunion, is a toe deformity caused by a deformation of the 5th metatarsal bone. Mirroring the bunion of the foot (hallux valgus), the bunionette causes a deviation of the last toe that makes it difficult to put on the shoe. This foot condition, if not treated…

Image de :Clubfoot : symptoms and treatments

Clubfoot : symptoms and treatments

Clubfoot is either a congenital malformation or a prenatal deformity that develops during the child's development. The so-called idiopathic clubfoot affects the structures of the foot directly, despite the fact that it is normally well-managed. As a result, it is likely to repeat on a regular basis. It's thus critical to keep an eye out…

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