Running is a popular sport for which there is a wide variety of shoes available. With increasingly stylish designs, it’s easy to be drawn to a pair just for their looks. However, as with many things, beauty isn’t everything! To safely enjoy your pastime, let’s explore the three mistakes to avoid when buying your running shoes.
Selecting running shoes without knowing your feet.
Whether you run occasionally or regularly, it’s essential to choose shoes based on your foot morphology. Pay attention to the shape of your foot. Is it highly arched, with your toes close to the heel? In that case, you likely have a high arch (cavus foot). Or is the arch of your foot flattened? Then, you may have flat feet (pronated foot). Do you tend to lean on the outer edge of your foot (supination) or more on the inner edge (overpronation)? To check, you can examine the wear pattern on your regular shoes.
Armed with this valuable information, you can now proceed to choose your shoes. If you have a normal arch, neither too high nor too flat, you’ll likely be interested in neutral shoes. These are lightweight and flexible running shoes that provide good impact absorption. On the other hand, if you have high arches or flat feet, you would benefit from stability shoes. These shoes enhance the balance of your feet, offer better shock absorption with denser soles, and prevent excessive movement. Some shoes are even designed to accommodate custom orthotics prescribed by your podiatrist.
Choosing running shoes without considering their comfort.
Now that you know your foot well, you understand that it needs proper support during your run. Here are the essential criteria to consider during your shopping:
- Fit: You should feel that the shoe conforms to the shape of your feet without compressing them, both at the arch and the toes.
- Cushioning: Avoid flat insoles and opt for ones that are thick enough to absorb impacts, especially at the heel.
- Flexibility: Can you bend your foot effortlessly? Check the shoe’s rigidity by walking around the store.
- Materials: It’s common to sweat while running, which is normal. However, this can lead to blisters that may become infected. To prevent this, choose shoes made from breathable materials that promote good airflow. Also, pay attention to the grip of the soles, especially if you prefer trail running over urban environments.
Not trying on running shoes before purchasing them.
l est vrai que faire ses achats en ligne représente un précieux gain de temps : mais faire l’impasse sur l’essayage des souliers en magasin est une erreur. L’idéal est de prévoir une période d’essayage en fin de journée, car c’est à ce moment-là que les pieds sont le plus enflés. Cela vous évite de choisir des souliers qui s’avèreront trop serrés pendant la course. Si l’espace s’y prête, effectuez quelques pas de course dans la boutique pour vérifier votre confort. Pour vous épargner de mauvaises surprises, il est aussi recommandé de porter les bas que vous portez habituellement pour courir. Si vous portez, en plus, des orthèses plantaires, amenez-les avec vous. Insérez-les dans les souliers pendant l’essayage et faites vos tests de marche et de course ensuite. Vous serez ainsi plus proche des conditions réelles dans lesquelles vous porterez vos chaussures.
Preventing Running-Related Injuries with the Podiatrist
Incorporating sports into your daily life is an excellent initiative, and the podiatrist is here to support you in your journey. A podiatric assessment can help you understand your morphological characteristics and address any concerns. Before starting a physical activity, it’s a good opportunity to determine the source of any pain in your feet, legs, or pelvis. Your podiatrist can provide advice, strength and stretching exercises, and even prescribe orthopedic shoes tailored to your activity. Consult the list of PiedRéseau clinics to schedule your next appointment.