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Frequent foot problems

Image de :Patellofemoral syndrome 

Patellofemoral syndrome 

Also known as runner’s knee, patellofemoral syndrome is a condition resulting from a malfunction of the internal structures of the knee and femur. This pathology is common among athletes and is even more painful when the kneecap is subjected to repeated stress. If left untreated, patellofemoral syndrome can cause premature wear and tear of the…

Image de :Heel cracks : symptoms and treatments

Heel cracks : symptoms and treatments

The heel is crucial for maintaining bodily equilibrium and it is exposed to extremely high pressure in order to complete this process. The skin of the heel is normally not subjected to excessive pressure when the body is correctly balanced. However, in certain situations, the skin on this region of the foot isn't properly stressed,…

Image de :Knock-knees (genu valgum)

Knock-knees (genu valgum)

Genu valgum, commonly known as knock-knees, are generally present from childhood. The varum knee, unlike the valgus knee, shows in youngsters as a cowboy-like outward deviation of the joint. The valgus knee, on the other hand, produces inward movement of the knees. If left untreated, this condition makes it difficult to move the legs and…

Image de :Hammer toe : symptoms and treatments

Hammer toe : symptoms and treatments

Do you ever feel pain in your toes? Are you afraid the contracture will get progressively worse? If you answered yes, you may be suffering from hammer toe. Hammer toes, claw toe or mallet toe are characterized by a contracture of the toe. The curvature of the affected toes gives the impression that your toes…

Image de :Big toe osteoarthritis (Hallux rigidus)

Big toe osteoarthritis (Hallux rigidus)

Osteoarthritis of the big toe is a degenerative condition that causes joint hardening and a progressive loss of mobility, which may be quite painful. The most prevalent type of joint deterioration is osteoarthritis. The metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe is affected by hallux rigidus. If the big toe osteoarthritis is not treated, the front…

Image de :Big toe fracture : symptoms and treatments

Big toe fracture : symptoms and treatments

The hallux, commonly known as the big toe, is an important part of the lift and mobility that the foot offers to the body. The hallux, together with the heel and fifth toe of the foot, provides strong support for a person standing. When the big toe fractures, the entire stability of the posture is…

Image de :Heel (calcaneus) fracture

Heel (calcaneus) fracture

The calcaneus, or heel bone, accounts for only 1 to 2 percent of all fractures. A heel fracture, unlike other common injuries, can have serious implications if left untreated. The calcaneus is the bone that forms the rear of the foot, together with the talus. These two bones sustain the body's weight when they are…

Image de :Heel panniculitis : symptoms and treatments

Heel panniculitis : symptoms and treatments

Inflammation of the panniculus, a fatty layer under the epidermis, causes heel panniculitis, a dermatological disease. To treat both your heel and your skin, this inflammatory condition frequently necessitates the help of a podiatrist and a dermatologist. However, panniculitis can affect any fatty tissue in your body. This skin disease can be very uncomfortable and…

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