Practical advice Kids

My child has leg pain, is it normal?

My child has leg pain, is it normal?

11 April 2021

It can prove to be frustrating for a parent to be unable to identify what is causing their child pain. However, in the case of specific leg pain, the answer is much clearer. Leg pain occurs in many young children between the ages of 3 and 6 as part of the normal growing process. Usually,…

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Should my child wear foot orthoses?

Should my child wear foot orthoses?

26 March 2021

It is rare for a child to need orthotic insoles before the age of 3. In fact, due to the fact that the structures of the feet are not yet developed, it is difficult to determine if there are any issues with them. However, if your child is of walking age and has difficulty doing…

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4 myths and facts about growing pains in children

4 myths and facts about growing pains in children

14 March 2021

Still a relatively obscure phenomenon, the discomfort caused by growing pains can be difficult to decipher. And yet, it is inevitable, because growth is an integral part of normal child development. Read on to learn 4 common myths associated with growing pains in children. Myth 1: Growing pains occur at any time of the day …

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How can the podiatrist treat growing pains?

How can the podiatrist treat growing pains?

13 March 2021

Growing pains usually manifest in leg aches that often occur during the night. This pain can start as early as age 3, in certain cases. They can also affect other parts of the lower limbs, such as the knees, ankles or feet. This type of pain is generally caused by: A suboptimal growth rate (e.g.…

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Baby’s feet: what are the most common foot abnormalities in babies?

Baby’s feet: what are the most common foot abnormalities in babies?

10 February 2021

While they are relatively rare, foot abnormalities can prove to be quite distressing to a newborn’s parents. Fortunately, the majority of those abnormalities are not due to disease. Despite its unusual and perhaps alarming appearance, an abnormal infant foot is actually very treatable if the issue is quickly addressed. Here are the most common foot…

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Sever’s disease: a pathology that affects growing children

Sever’s disease: a pathology that affects growing children

4 May 2020

Sever's disease is a type of pain felt in the heel (calcaneus) that should be monitored in growing children, especially if they are active! Rest assured, this condition is frequent and benign. However, it can interfere with daily activities for several months or even years.  Of course, as a parent, you will never be able…

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How can we identify flat foot in children?

How can we identify flat foot in children?

30 July 2019

Are you the parent of a young child whose feet seem a little too flat to you? You have a right to be concerned. While studies have shown that 97% of young children have a flat valgus foot, it may not correct itself without intervention. Most cases of flat foot usually resolve in the first…

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How can we help baby take their first steps?

How can we help baby take their first steps?

22 September 2018

  Helping baby take their first steps is always an important process for parents. Your baby’s first steps are an essential part of their development. Babies normally start walking around their first anniversary (generally between 12-16 months). This process can continue up to 18 months of age or more for some babies. Regardless of the…

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How do I choose the right baby shoes?

How do I choose the right baby shoes?

7 April 2018

It’s not an easy task to choose the right baby shoes, given their spurts of growth and unsteady walking technique. However, choosing the right shoes is very important to ensure the comfort and safety of your little ones, from birth up to 18 months of age. Below are some of the important factors to consider…

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