Frequent problems

Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome

A painful compression of the tibial nerve is what characterizes a tarsal tunnel syndrome. The tibial nerve extends from the back of the calf to the heel and sole of the foot and is encased in the tarsal tunnel, a fibrous canal. When the tissues around this canal become inflamed, they might expand and compress…

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Foot bunion (hallux valgus)

Foot bunion (hallux valgus)

Is it difficult to walk on your foot because of a deformity in the big toe area? Is your big toe extending from the base due to the same deformity? Do you have pain and inflammation in your joints? If this is the case, consult a podiatrist right away because you most likely have a…

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Plantar fibromatosis

Plantar fibromatosis

Plantar fibromatosis is a thickening of the aponeurosis tissue in the arch of the foot. Plantar fibromatosis often manifests as tiny lumps. Although it is typically harmless, it can cause pain when walking and can make it difficult to move. It's critical to understand the signs in order to detect it before it becomes a…

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Raynaud’s disease

Raynaud’s disease

Raynaud's disease is an arterial illness that affects the feet and hands' tiny arteries. When the body gets chilly, this two-stage condition causes blood vessels to constrict more aggressively, resulting in numbness in the extremities. Raynaud's syndrome isn't usually excruciatingly unpleasant. It can, however, lead to severe repercussions if not handled effectively. The disease is…

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The bunionette (quintus varus)

The bunionette (quintus varus)

The bunionette, also known as quintus varus or tailor's bunion, is a toe deformity caused by a deformation of the 5th metatarsal bone. Mirroring the bunion of the foot (hallux valgus), the bunionette causes a deviation of the last toe that makes it difficult to put on the shoe. This foot condition, if not treated…

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Diabetic foot ulcer

Diabetic foot ulcer

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body's essential organs, epidermis, and musculoskeletal components. As a result, poorly regulated blood glucose levels frequently result in the development of a plantar lesion that is diagnosed as a diabetic foot ulcer. Although ulcers are a common consequence of diabetes, they can be avoided. Here are the…

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Clubfoot is either a congenital malformation or a prenatal deformity that develops during the child's development. The so-called idiopathic clubfoot affects the structures of the foot directly, despite the fact that it is normally well-managed. As a result, it is likely to repeat on a regular basis. It's thus critical to keep an eye out…

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Foot capsulitis

Foot capsulitis

Foot capsulitis is a type of metatarsalgia in which the joint capsule of the metatarsal bones is inflamed. Although it is more prevalent in the shoulder, knee, or elbow, it is probable that it might also happen in the foot. Let's look at what causes foot capsulitis, how to cure it, and what symptoms it…

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Hematoma under the toenail

Hematoma under the toenail

Subungual hematoma is a fairly frequent toenail injury caused by an accumulation of blood following a sudden or repeated shock. Although toenail hematomas are typically benign, they can become extremely painful and possibly indicate the existence of a more serious issue. It's critical to understand how to detect a traumatic nail condition in order to…

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Foot deformities

Foot deformities

Even healthy feet are susceptible to trauma and the accompanying damage. What about foot deformities, though? In fact, under the required circumstances, any foot can develop a deformity. Let's take a look at some of the disorders that might cause misshapen feet, as well as some of the treatment options available. The various foot deformities…

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