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Treatments for your feet Pain management

Image de :Ultrasound guided injection

Ultrasound guided injection

Ultrasound-guided injection can be used to deliver treatment directly to the affected area. It may contain an anti-inflammatory solution, similar to the cortisone injection in the foot. Ultrasound-guided injections, however, are more typically utilized to guide a medical practitioner during surgery on minor foot structures. This type of infiltration not only relieves pain in pathologies…

Image de :Podopediatrics treatments

Podopediatrics treatments

It can be difficult to distinguish between a problematic and a healthy foot in a growing child. Early detection, on the other hand, allows the podiatrist to react more quickly before the foot takes its final shape. As a result, the prescribed treatments can be more effective. This article will cover some of the podopediatric…

Image de :ShockWave therapy : therapeutic benefits and treatment

ShockWave therapy : therapeutic benefits and treatment

ShockWave therapy was first used to break up kidney stones. This therapeutic technology, however, has been adapted to other medicinal purposes as well. Nowadays, podiatrists use it in the clinic to treat difficult-to-repair musculoskeletal injuries.Acoustic waves are at the core of the ShockWave therapy. Through a sequence of high-speed shocks, it strengthens the body and…

Image de :Therapeutic laser treatment

Therapeutic laser treatment

Minimally invasive and highly effective, the therapeutic laser is a modern treatment for foot pain. The laser treatment performed in the clinic relies on technology that thoroughly heals the damaged tissue through photobiomodulation. This method accelerates the body's natural healing process, similarly to ShockWave therapy. The therapeutic laser treatment provides relief from chronic pain, acute…

Image de :Stress fracture in the foot

Stress fracture in the foot

A stress fracture in the foot doesn't happen due to a single trauma, unlike a normal fracture. Instead, it occurs in response to multiple repeated small stresses to the same bone in the foot. While painful, this foot injury is particularly difficult to spot. Therefore, to avoid unintentionally aggravating it, it is important to know…

Image de :Treatment of foot pain by the podiatrist

Treatment of foot pain by the podiatrist

Foot pain can appear in many ways and cause many accompanying symptoms every day. Thanks to the high level of the podiatrist's expertise, however, you can count on treatment that is completely customized to your needs and condition. These professionals possess the latest technology to treat your pain quickly and accurately. It is the podiatrist's…

Image de :Ultrasound treatment

Ultrasound treatment

Ultrasound treatment is a highly popular tool among podiatrists and physiotherapists, and is a versatile therapeutic method. Ultrasound treatment is suitable not only for superficial foot injuries, but also for musculoskeletal conditions.  From tendonitis to chronic wounds and plantar fasciitis, this type of modern treatment makes it possible to tackle a wide range of painful…

Image de :2D and 3D digital imaging

2D and 3D digital imaging

Foot digitization consists of capturing the imprint of the feet using various devices to establish an accurate diagnosis. This technique is particularly useful when it comes to designing custom-made plantar orthotics.  2D impressions are taken using a podograph. A kind of pressure-sensitive cushion, a scan or a mirror, the podograph detects and shows a perfect…

Image de :Partial or complete foot amputation

Partial or complete foot amputation

An amputation is a surgical procedure that removes a limb or part of a limb. It is usually employed when the affected limb is in danger of becoming seriously infected or poisoning the rest of the body. While it may seem drastic, this measure is a valid last resort. Let's see what can lead to…

Image de :Orthopaedic shoes : types and benefits

Orthopaedic shoes : types and benefits

Podiatrists sometimes prescribe orthopaedic shoes to treat plantar deformities and mechanical abnormalities of the foot and leg. These disorders can lead to musculoskeletal compensation and chronic pain if left untreated. See the situations in which orthopaedic shoes are prescribed and how they are made. The various types of orthopaedic shoes The pathologies that can affect…

Image de :Therapeutic foot taping

Therapeutic foot taping

Therapeutic taping consists of adhesive bandage that is strategically applied to specific areas in order to increase muscle tone or reduce pain associated with certain movements. Contrary to popular belief, therapeutic taping helps more than just for athletes. While its use is widespread among runners and tennis players, therapeutic taping is also suitable for the…

Image de :Treating frostbite on the feet and toes

Treating frostbite on the feet and toes

Often linked to mountain climbing and other winter activities, frostbite can also occur in anyone exposed to the cold. Of course, most Quebecers naturally anticipate the onset of winter with some exasperation, but many have no clue about the extent of the damage frostbite can cause. The extremities of the body are particularly susceptible to…

Image de :Cortisone injections

Cortisone injections

Beneficial podiatry treatment Cortisone injections, sometimes referred to as “cortisone infiltration,” are often a beneficial podiatry treatment used to relieve acute or chronic pain related to various musculoskeletal issues. Actually, cortisone is a hormone frequently used as an anti-inflammatory to relieve certain joint pains, rashes, inflammation or swelling. Learn more about cortisone injections, an effective…

Image de :Foot ultrasound imaging

Foot ultrasound imaging

Foot ultrasound A musculo-skeletal ultrasound of the foot is a medical imaging technique used to examine pathologies that affect soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons, nerves and muscles. Complementary to the clinical examination, a foot ultrasound provides an accurate diagnosis and is used to design a more structured treatment plan for patients. Foot ultrasound at…

Image de :Plantar orthotics: types, benefits, and adaptation tips

Plantar orthotics: types, benefits, and adaptation tips

Foot orthotics The primary goal of plantar orthotics is to improve the function of your foot in order to correct various biomechanical flaws or posture issues. They are used to compensate for certain deficiencies in your foot. Because they are custom designed specifically for your condition, the orthosis is perfectly adapted to the shape of…

Image de :Digital radiography of the foot

Digital radiography of the foot

Digital radiography of the feet Digital radiography of the feet is performed at a clinic. This technique creates a medical image using X-rays to view the foot’s bone and joint structure. With just one visit, digital imaging allows the podiatrist to make a rapid and accurate diagnosis of any issues affecting the feet.

Image de :Manual foot therapy : personalized treatment plan

Manual foot therapy : personalized treatment plan

Manual Therapy Podiatrists are trained to perform foot mobilizations. They are able to perform an articular evaluation of your feet as well as any symptoms felt. Following this evaluation, the podiatrist designs a personalized treatment plan to improve the articular architecture of your feet. Manual foot therapy with a podiatrist The podiatrist performs gentle and…

Image de :Evaluating Children’s Feet

Evaluating Children’s Feet

Children’s bone structure remains malleable until the growth process is complete. Having your children’s feet evaluated by a competent foot care professional will ensure proper management of any foot pathology that may worsen over the years. Thus, when taken care of early enough, it is possible to improve your child’s postural development by evaluating and…

Image de :Biomechanical exam : symptoms and treatments

Biomechanical exam : symptoms and treatments

Comprehensive biomechanical examinations Comprehensive biomechanical examinations are carried out in a podiatric clinic in order to make an accurate diagnosis of your condition. It is thus possible to establish the best possible treatment plan. During your visit, podiatric doctors who provide advanced expertise will evaluate you. A complete examination done in a podiatric clinic includes:

Image de :Postural evaluation

Postural evaluation

Postural evaluation is a valuable tool for a complete and accurate evaluation. This computer-assisted system analyzes the light reflected by the body in order to detect any anatomical variations indicative of various pathologies of the feet and the body, without the use of radiation, waves or any other processes that may be harmful to your…

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