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Marie-Christine Bourque podiatry clinic – Lévis Dre Jenny Boutin

Image de : Dre Jenny Boutin

Dre Jenny Boutin - Marie-Christine Bourque podiatry clinic – Lévis

Dr. Jenny Boutin, a podiatrist based in the Quebec City area, has been practicing at the Marie-Christine Bourque podiatry clinic since completing her studies. She is a registered practitioner who graduated in 2013 and has expertise treating a wide range of conditions.

Podiatrist Dr. Boutin particularly enjoys devising treatments for her younger patients.

Advanced training

Dr. Boutin, podiatrist spent a few months at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine after completing her podiatric residency at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières. She was able to perfect her expertise of biomechanical evaluation, podopedics, and surgery during her external internship.

She has also obtained a radiology license since, determined to further her abilities. This additional accreditation allows her to do foot ultrasound imaging, which is beneficial in diagnosing and treating soft tissue problems.

Jenny Boutin, DPM, finds mastery of these skills valuable because she has a strong interest in biomechanical disorders and postural anomalies.

She provides podiatric care to a wide spectrum of patients on a daily basis. Her customized care for diabetics, sportsmen, and young children distinguishes her as an exceptional podiatrist.

A podiatrist who possesses undeniable human qualities

Jenny Boutin is a dedicated professional who enjoys becoming connected with the people in her community. On a volunteer basis, she has taken part in a number of sporting activities in her community.

Podiatrist Dr. Jenny Boutin treats you and your family with the sort of care that makes her patients happy.

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