Knock-knees (genu valgum)
Genu valgum, commonly known as knock-knees, are generally present from childhood.
The varum knee, unlike the valgus knee, shows in youngsters as a cowboy-like outward deviation of the joint.
The valgus knee, on the other hand, produces inward movement of the knees.
If left untreated, this condition makes it difficult to move the legs and feet. It can eventually damage the joint cartilage, resulting in knee osteoarthritis.
This is why detecting symptoms and implementing a customized treatment plan are critical for this condition.
Valgus knee is seen as a juvenile physiological abnormality.
At birth, most infants will have some outward deviation of the lower limbs.
Later on, this deviation will tend to be reversed in the first years of life. Genu valgum is the medical term for this condition.
However, if the axial deformity of the lower limbs continues throughout maturity, it becomes more…
Bélanger Podiatry Clinic
2425 Boulevard Bastien suite 102,
Québec, QC G2B 1B3
1-418 577-6109 Toll free
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 20:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 14:00