Big toe fracture : symptoms and treatments
The hallux, commonly known as the big toe, is an important part of the lift and mobility that the foot offers to the body.
The hallux, together with the heel and fifth toe of the foot, provides strong support for a person standing.
When the big toe fractures, the entire stability of the posture is compromised.
Because the foot and toes have such a complicated bone network, it might be tough to figure out what’s wrong.
Here are the signs and symptoms of a broken big toe, as well as the best therapies for it.
When a foot trauma happens, it’s helpful to know how to tell the difference between a sprain and a fracture, especially if the pain is coming from the big toe.
A hallux fracture is indicated by the following symptoms:
Sharp pain that doesn’t go away
Difficulty putting weight on the sore toe
Swelling of the big toe
A red, yellow, blue or black hematoma
Sensitivity of the big toe to…
Bélanger Podiatry Clinic
2425 Boulevard Bastien suite 102,
Québec, QC G2B 1B3
1-418 577-6109 Toll free
9:00 - 18:00
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