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PiedRéseau Saint-Laurent Plantar fasciitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

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Plantar fasciitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition. A strain or break in the plantar fascia, the fibrous band that supports the arch of the foot, is at the root of this condition.

Heel discomfort is the most prominent sign of this condition. It will be felt from the first steps in the morning or after a lengthy period of sitting.

You can find plantar fasciitis symptoms, causes, and remedies are listed below.

A person with plantar fasciitis will feel discomfort when they first walk in the morning, but it will subside over the day. They will also experience discomfort after sitting for an extended period of time.

Plantar fasciitis can also cause the following symptoms:

  • Pain when palpating your arch or when pressing on your heel;
  • Standing or walking causes pain, which might worsen over time;
  • Tension on the outside of the foot, which can cause compensating foot and leg discomfort;
  • A condition (…en savoir plus)

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PiedRéseau Saint-Laurent

5380 Boul. Henri-Bourassa Ouest
Saint-Laurent, QC, H4R 0R4

1-514 248-7873 Toll free

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8:30 - 16:30

8:30 - 16:30

10:00 - 16:00

9:00 - 14:00

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